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    Primero de Enero, land of bougainvillea and laurels, has a population of approximately 123,191 inhabitants, of which 17,946 are voters (data provided by the Municipal Electoral Commission).

    It is located in the center of the island, in the northeast region of the province. It has a surface area of 716.62 km2 and limits to the north with the municipality of Bolivia, to the south with Baraguá, to the east with Esmeralda and Carlos M. Céspedes (municipalities of the province of Camagüey) and to the west with Ciro Redondo. With 40.7 inhabitants per km², of which 64% reside in urban areas, in its two main settlements: Primero de Enero (municipal seat) and Pedro Ballester; 36% of the population resides in rural areas.

    The territory's economy is fundamentally based on agricultural and industrial production. There are fertile, flat soils with sufficient water, especially underground, favorable for almost all crops, Various Crops are among the main activities, with a company that pays taxes on its productions to the national balance and five municipal self-sufficiency units. Likewise, those products that contribute to the substitution of imports are promoted, beans, potatoes, milk and corn. The main activity of the municipality falls on the Sugar Agroindustry, with the planting of cane and sugar production.

    The main production centers are:

    • UEB Industrial First of January
    • Arnaldo Ramírez Various Crops Company.